Phalanx box art guy
Phallic names
Phantom pain vs. fanny pain
Phasing out the phrase "Oh my God!" and replacing it with new ideas like "Piss on my dick!" and "Great Shart!"
Ph.D in Vagina Sciences A.K.A. Master of VagTrix™
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Gabba Gabba Gabba Raise an Objection! (fangame does not exist)
Physically Sitting On Babies
Picking a Delicious Worm for your Friends
Picking the raisins out your oliebollen
Picking your favorite rhythm game based on how "booby" the controllers are
Pickin' tha HogWarts off Ya dickk
Pick Me Pussy
Pictochat Pussy
Pictures that are worth less than a thousand words
piemel in de bami hak hak hak
Piggy Bank Full Of Pigs
Piggy Three vs. Bigotry
Pikmin say the n word
Pimp My Ride vs Prik My Datum
pinar sosis
Pinball vs thin ball
Pingas Warriors
Pink Guy Gets Pink Eye
Pinky Finger Rampage
Pinning all your crimes on some random schmuck (That's right fuck you Jerry)
pirate be lik,e bOOTY booty'′tBOOTY B'OOTY
Pirate-flavored music
Pirating Google Chrome through peer-to-peer file sharing because you don't trust the website
Pissin and missed
"Pissing and shitting" in an ikea display toilet
pissing in my pants cause i like it (fetish content)
Pissing off all the people you’re with by singing along to every “All Night” ad lib in Lionel Richie’s “All Night Long (All Night)”
Pissing on the arcade cab to mark your territory
Pissing people off by ordering the worst items on the menu
Pissing so hard at the urinal that it splashes back into your mouth
Pissin mist
Pissin 'N Missin You
Pitching a new Breaking Bad Spin-off named "Mikey Mayhem" to AMC
Pitching an idea vs. Pitching a Tent
Pixar's Cars 9/11
PizzaPizzaMan69 has been banned from the Papa John’s forums.
Pizza with sausage (only attempt this when the vibes are good)
placing blocks 'n shiT.... because you're in fucking MINECRAFT!!!!!
Planning Masturbation Sessions
"platforming" and "fighting" you way to the end of the level
Playboi Cart i the an animal doctor He says " that pussy got some mileage
Playing a Chris-Chan style documentary of your friend at his funeral
Playing ACNL (Animal Crossing: Nederland) with some gabbers
Playing a game of Two Truths and a Lie with your Grandma
Playing a “little game” with your civilians (genocide)
Playing a racing game and exclaiming "WHEN ME AND THE BOYS" whenever there are other vehicles around you
Playing a slot machine and winning the "Jackport"
Playing a video game and thinking: "Man, I sure wonder what ScrewAttack's Top 10 Items for this game would be!" ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ - This topic might be impossible to use in conversation due to no one on Earth relating to it.
"playing" "balatro" (eating an entire deck of cards in under 2 minutes)
playing bball with the bboys
Playing children's party games just to legally beat the shit out of kids
Playing CRYSIS to heat your GPU up to 250 DEGREES so you can ROAST a FAT PIZZA on There
Playing da bl00s
Playing Engineer on koth_harvest: Unforgivable Act or Necessary Evil?
Playing funny songs in your car next to people who are telling their life stories
Playing 𝚐𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑 with your dog
Playing 𝚐𝚒𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚝 --𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 with your company
playing "got your nose" with a very old man (like, REALLY old)
Playing Guess Who with your friend suffering from Prosopagnosia
Playing in the key of C vs. Playing in the KFC
Playing Kinectimals on the train
Playing “lose/lose” on the work computer
Playing Mario in Melee because he's on the boxart
Playing McRoll on the Burger King menu TV's
Playing Monopoly but Getting Stuck in Prison (in real life) for the Whole Game
Playing "Moses: The Exodus" on your Philips CD-i and saying the CRAZIEST things like "Yippee!" and "Whoops..."
playing mouse trap with the homies but refusing to activate the trap at the end because someone online said traps are gay
Playing music that makes you feel like you're held at gunpoint to concentrate better
Playing MyHouse.WAD with your mom after secretly starting a little fire somewhere
Playing obama games on your computer
playing pokemon ranger with your pussy
Playing QWOP with the NES Power Pad while having an anal evacuation
Playing random windows sounds while recording a serious murder documentary
Playing "Rummy" with some friends (game does not exist)
Playing Rushing Roulette (the first person to go always dies)
Playing scrabble with ALL the letters. None of that Pussy Shit. We playin with A B C G F P $ 𓂄 𓉩 𓏀 L ಥ ຈ ┻ ♫︎ W ✿ X Y AND Z
Playing Spinky's Hell 64 and wondering why you have to walk to the Boinky Barrel all the fucking time
Playing Splatoon 3 with the Gynecology Sensor
Playing Splatoon and constantly saying you “have an inkling” about where the enemies are
playing Stack Up ™️ with chatgpt and being concerned when you find out it does not come with the Stack Up ™️ Accessories
Playing Super Mario 64 Just To Play As a Little Guy
Playing Super Mario World with yer pals (For this and more Scottish related topics, there can only be one!!!)