Refering to 9/11 as "Planey Boys"
Refering to everyone else driving on the moterway as 'opponents'
Referring to a neighborhood's violent crime as an "integral part of the GrassRoots vibe ™️ "
Referring to anything that is "male" as "manny"
Referring to doomed lawsuits as "Suicide Battles"
Referring to morse code as braille
Referring to Ted Bundy as your problematic fave
Referring to the Harry Potter films as "the potty movies"
Referring to your ass as the Red Giant before succumbing to your third degree burns
Referring to your ass as "The Windy City"
Referring To Your Asshole As "The Rabbit Hole"
Referring to your balls as "Ballz 3D" during sex, after which you immediately stop having intercourse and turn on your Super Nintendo to play Ballz 3D
Referring to your girlfriend as 'The Ol' Misthorn'
Referring to yourself as "Allah" and building a church called the "Seven"
refer to my previous tweet please think hard about it
Refrigerating your paper for no particular reason
Refusing to apologize for your level of binging
Refusing to back down from placing "ABBA Gold: Greatest Shits" in your Top 100 Albums of All Time
Refusing to back down from placing "Hampsterdance: The Album" in your Top 100 Albums of All Time
Refusing to buy Palworld, because it doesn't have Rosa's shoes
Refusing to date someone for their video game character of choice
Refusing to have sex because of a lack of gamification
Refusing to say "no cap", because you think it stands for "no capitalism"
Refusing to sell Zack & Wiki to some kid because he's too dumb for the puzzles
Regarding MonkeyMagic13: https://pastebin.com/tT1peaq1
Reggy Fills a May
Regretting not considering your Balkan friend in the deal and missing him a bit (his ass was perfect)
Rejecting a pull request with the comment "Give up."
Rejecting your harsh noise listening experience and reaffirming your love for electro swing
Relating with AI in how you only give correct answers by chance and forget situational context constantly
Released brentalfloss tracks
Releasing 37 different walkthroughs for Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Releasing a game after 5 years of development to be told it "obviously needed to cook a bit longer"
Releasing a swarm of waxworms inside Madame Tussauds
Releasing controversial artists just to hear their worst tracks written in jail
Releasing some of that pent up gamer energy
Releasing That Loud, Stinky Smelling "PFFT!"
releasing the spelunky all over your keyboard
Relocating your family to finally meet Bigingle
Remembering 9/11 as the day before that one time you had to chug your 3L bottle of chocolate milk at airport security because suddenly the TSA exists now
Remembering a funny ChatTopic during sex
Remembering and laughing at videos that don't exist
Remembering Pussy Around Christmas Time
Remembering the moment you were conceived
Remembering the proper chinese sign stroke orders vs remembering the funny times your friends had strokes
Remember to check Ur firealrm to make sure it doesn't kill you
remember what Jesus said... "Take your meds".
reminder: kill your doppelganger on sight, otherwise they might do something cringe
Reminding everyone that it's "monkey time"
Reminding everyone that it's "pigeon time"
Reminding your boys to pull that vid thru y2mate and archiving that shit
Reminding yourself you browse r/bigdickproblems whenever intimidated
removed conversation topics
Removing all the internals from your GameCube to use it as a lunch box only to discover you could have just bought a dedicated lunch box
Removing Ribz For Ya Auto Fellatio
"Removing" somebody
Removing ya teeth: Hardcore Edition
Removing your baby because he is in your asshole
Removing your baby because you think he's an asshole
Renaming the "wife-beater" to the more genderneutral "spouse-beater"
Renaming your hardened pub beverage to "The Gay Drink" just to see what happens
Renting Out Yo Cum To The Reds
Rentin Super Mario 64 On Yo iQue Player
reonion tour
Repeatedly messaging "Uw bezorger is DAAR!" to your victim as you're approaching (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to protect yourself from GespreksOnderwerpen)
Repeatedly pressing the X and Y buttons without being sucked
repeatedly saying "PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE" hoping uberEats gives you a discount
Repeatedly screaming "Aaa! Help me" while competing in the olympics
Replacing a random panel in your 1000 page comic archive with Goatse
Replacing the "IT'S LIT" ad lib in Sicko Mode with AVGN saying "IT'S SHIT"
Replying "calm down lol" to random tweets
Replying "LMFAO" to a conversation topic in a desperate attempt to make people think you aren't running the account
Replying "me" to every question even if it directly implicates you for murder
Replying "No we cant!!! that shit is easily in the 6 figures" everytime you get asked to buy something
Replying only with "hmm bitter" to all bad news
Replying to O RLY? with YA RLY! and getting banned
Replying "Uhh no, and you never change" to every question
Replying with "I know it's you" to random twitter accounts
Replying with "LowTierGod's message" to anyone asking you to pay owed money
reply to this topic with some Huge cocks
Reporting a bomb threat mid-flight because the airplane food will cause explosive diarrhea
Reporting on someone's death every day until they actually die and then claiming you predicted it in a vision
Reporting videos on porn sites for nudity
Repost Reshare Revibe Relove Relive Respray pass this along to 20 certified bestboys to support climate change
🐘 republican'ts
Requesting an Epic Mac N Cheese Recipe as a Mii Costume on the StreetPass Plaza
Requesting a residence permit for someone that doesn't exist
Requesting ltg.png to be added to your workspace slack's custom emojis
Requesting money from everyone you know
Requesting to see Mr. Moseby at every hotel you stay at