Super Skeet Boy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Gruelling Realism
super wakio kart
surgically implanting a nintendo wii into your skull
Surprising your friends with a Random Snowmobile Ride
surviving a 600ft fall by spinning like a tetris piece
surviving another penis hour at Joe Garcia's
surviving penis hour at Joe Garcia's
Sushi cat Jimi Hendrix facial recognition homework pussy sex
SUSPICIOUS: Pat the NES Punk "conveniently" running into Frank in every episode of Flea Market Madness. Scripted?
sussy balls in the army
Sussy toke
Sustaining solely on american cheese singles 🟨
sv_aidsmode 1
Swallowing beads through your pussy
Swallowing mouthwash
Swapping all album covers with movie soundtrack cover equivalents
Swatting your friends to make sure they wake up on time
Sweatin in the Uber
Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff vs Weegee DEATH BATTLE
Swimming REALLY far into the ocean to get the frisbee back (R.I.P. Trevor 1995-2022, we miss you bud)
Swinging a cat by its tail
Switch 2 looks way stronger than Playstation 2. What is Sony doing?
Switching To My Killer Tulpa to Annihilate You
"sxe" phil? Don't you think that's a bit rich?
Tackling greater problems such as your mom
tackling the three biggest boys you've ever seen
Taekwondo's and Taekwondon'ts
Tagging people in discord servers to ask them for money
Tagging people like geese
Tagging people (they're it)
Tagging the original creator vs shagging the original creator
Tagging the original creator while not realising they've been replaced by a skinwalker for at least 5 months
Taj from Diddy Kong Racing
Taj from Diddy Kong Racing DS
take a look at that f*cking brain on Kennedy; he don't got no skin up in his head man...
Take A Look Inside Your Fart, Is There Any Potpourri
Take him to the morgue bro! Your grandpa is WAY past expired
Take j pills dude, and you'll be fine (Do NOT take these, the results have not been researched)
*takes le shit*
Taking a 3d picture of someone doing very illegal shit with a 3ds
Taking a " breather" in the middle of sex
Taking a camera with you everywhere you go so you can always record a talking head for the reality TV show you're making about yourself
Taking a "comedy bullet" and sacrificing your career to make some people laugh
Taking adderall and hyperfixating on balls
Taking adderall to avoid hyperfixating on cocks
Taking a dump on a cop car and screaming "I have the right to remain silent!"
Taking a fat drag every time you use the command "git pull"
Taking a gender affirming shit
Taking a "king shit"
taking a liquid drum and bass on the intelligent drum and bass fans
Taking a liveleak
taking aMAZING SHITs at McDonald's Urinals™
Taking an asspill and doing an AMA
Taking an EPIC shit
Taking a nice, relaxing jog through the human slaughterhouse known as "central park"
Taking a picture of a picture
Taking A Picture Of Your Ceiling
taking a piss before your sloppy toppy
Taking a ride on the Cockwarts Express
Taking a Selfie of Yourself Peeing in the Pool
Taking a Shit
Taking a shit as a responsible adult
Taking a shit vs. Taking a birth
Taking a Spine Relocating Shit You've Been Building up Over 22 Years
Taking ass pills at a friend's house
Taking a trip to Algeria because you "can't wait to see all that sand".
Taking a vacation to the chattropics
Taking a Wii
Taking conversation topics and changing a few words to create a new topic
Taking credit for all drilling done in your building
taking dickpics on the bus
Taking Discord Bots Extremely Seriously
, taking hot dumps in your sony swag bag
Taking matters into your own glands
Taking meta topics a little too seriously (yeah, im talking to you.)
Taking no shortcuts at your son's circumcision ceremony
Taking PrEP for no reason
Taking some heroin for a quick laugh
Taking The Bonus Vaccine Just For Fun
Taking the longest shit ever during your timed all-you-can-eat buffet
Taking your ass pills to a friend's house
Taking Your Cock Out In The Middle Of A Fight And Yelling "You Wanna See This?"
Taking your date to a very barren Worlds.com room
Taking your friend to the Repair Shop after losing some fingers lighting fireworks
Taking your straight friend to a live showing of "Meine und Deine Ass" (movie does not exist)
Taking your wife's pregnancy test yourself because she doesn't understand how to use it
Takis vs Taksi
Talking about friends as if they are dead to praise them slightly more
Talking about how close Trump's assassination was and accidentally willing another attempt into existence