The German Language: Why Does It Exist?
The Girl of Your DREAMS! Her One & Only Request: stop peeing
The Gizmondo: Isis Edition
The Golden Age of Topics
The goldfish is a Yes man til the end
The Goofygoobers want their fucking goofygoober money, otherwise we're gonna goofyfucking break your goober-legs.
The Google Clit
the graty
The Great Creme Crash
The Greatest Epic Fails
The greatest movie pitch of 2023: A giant grassy sports field with a screen and projector
The greatest music pitch of 2023: F#
The greatest usernames to ever grace the internet
The Great Gape War
The Great L Of 2031
The Great World Wart
The Grower of Robert Mapplethorpe or The Shower of Robert Mapplethorpe?
The guy that sometimes yells in the Terrydactyland theme
The Heaviest Baby Ever Born
the hidden human hole
The Hidden McDonald's
The Hidden Racism in "Stray"
The horrifying impact DALL-E and ChatGPT would have had if they were developed during the "9gag epic le derp and derpina fail" era of the internet
The horrifying realization that you're the only one of your squad that shits
the horse enters flow state
The Human Penis: Why Does It Look So Weird?
The "if he doesnt eat it i could" life mentality
The "I have to poop but only a little bit" struggle
The "I'm not gay but $20 is $20" Guy
The "im not gay but im gay" Guy
The implications of a "Dictator School" in Fairly Odd Parents
The Impossible Jar Challenge (You Won't Believe What This Guy Tried!)
The Incredible Piece of Shit
The Independent Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe accidentally tells all women to die
The Inevitable iPhone 25
The Infamous "Cocaine Barrel" in Donkey Kong
The Infamous Crypto Facist Psy-Op "R-Andy"
The infamous Death Grips song: Noided
The infamous E3 presentation where Miyamoto stuffs an entire Wii U tablet up his ass as a way of saying sorry
The Infamous Glory Hole Round
the infamous holy man topic
The Infamous Shadman Meet 'n Greet with Hillary Clinton
The Inner Game of "Doin' Your Mom"
The Inner Machinations of the Conversation Topics Database
The inner struggle of a 2 year old trying to eat 3 bites of peas
The insane lengths Nickelodeon went through to hide the existence of the scrapped iCarly character Gubby
The Internet For Me Is The Only Way to Conceptualize These Past Experiences Into A Way For Me To Avoid It But I Run Back To The Place I Once Was Before. Talking To These Random People To Feel SOMETHING!
The Interrogation of William Afton [JCS - Criminal Psychology]
The Intricate Dynamics of Pog Car
The irresistible urge to hum your theme song in the shower
The issue has been solved in an unfortunately sad way
the j
The Jackie Chan Curse
The Johnson Report
The joys of inhaling paint thinner
The Kids Menu
The Killers: Just a band or murder suspects
The King Buys a Wii 2
the ladies have found me. I have mere minutes to live
The land of my pee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last stuttering craig sighting
the laugh factory claims another victim
The Laughing & Crying Emoji: A Sign of Insanity?
The laundry machines; boy i sure hope it does!
The leaky topic faucet has been fixed! No more trickly down topics
The legend of the penis
The lengths one goes for "racist pussy"
The Lifestyle of Busy (Gay) Men
The Light Ning Dynasty
The logistical issues of taking a shit
The lol-challenge: only reply to people with 'lol'
The long awaited announcement of Boogie: Live & Reloaded featuring Cardi B's WAP
The long awaited sequel to mario kart 8: mario kart ultra
The look the cashier gives you when you try to buy 100kg of chicken stock
The lost city of eindhoven
The Lovely Things that stop a Big Ol' Nasty Browner
The "Magnum Opus Suicide"
The mancala effect
The Mandela Effect: wait stop Delete this
The Manhandla from Zelda vs the Manhandler from your local Walmart
The "Manky Kong Is From Manchester" Theory
The Many Unforeseen Challenges of Being Like Baal
The Many Video Games About Bombers And Terrorists
The Mario
The marios. They are everywhere. We are Surrounded.
The masculine urge to go to sleep in a nightcap and nightgown and snore like honk shoo honk shoo until being awoken by a noise and investigating with a little candle holder
The Mass Dunning-Kruger Migration
The masterchef quiche incident
The meat is STINKING!
The meatman always thinking about the pigs lack of shoulders.