Being close friends with the 1Guy1Jar Man
Being comfy with your own bladder (I will never piss. I do not have to piss. Pee is all in the mind/pee is stored in the balls
Being completely flawless except for peeing next to every toilet
Being completely unfazed by the "Bud Dwyer moment" at work
being "complicit" in "murder"
being conceived in the McDonald's slushy
Being conditioned to laugh instantly upon seeing the Memri TV logo
Being confronted about your bing usage
Being confronted with your mistakes Tetris style
Being convinced all music is fully random and good songs got really lucky
Being Convinced Xenophobia is a Disease and Spending Years Developing an Ingestible Cure
Being cracked at the surprise of lackdown
Being deaf and getting jumpscared by people constantly sneaking up on you
Being defined a conversational literary device while all you do is create topics
Being desperately in need of a tank emoji
Being disappointed when someone has a French accent
Being disgusted by horses
Being Distracted By Your Morpheus Meter Going Off
Being dubbed the "Gooch" of the music industry
Being everyone's favorite lil stinky guy
Being excited to get pants'd for the first time cause you have a massive cock but in reality everyone just laughs at the skidmarks covering the entire backside of your underwear
Being excruciatingly hungry while performing open heart surgery
Being fine with the men
Being followed by the "Joke's End" music from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Being from Iran and using phrases like “I ran with it” and “Iranclad armor”
Being from the alternate universe where they say "Hey!" instead of "Bang!" at the end of the big bang theory intro
Being from the universe where the girl character in rage comics is called "derpia" instead of "derpina"
Being Gay In Really Dangerous Situations
Being "Gay" (killing lots of people)
being goatless
Being "Heaven Blessed" with a Mickey Mouse P*ssy (the whole town wants a ride)
being hopeful
Being hung like Elefun
Being Ian (Hier is Ian)
Being In a Heated Blanket vs. Being In a Heated Divorce
Being in public and getting a pairing request for "Adolf's AirPods Pro"
Being in public and not realizing the #tractors and #nsfw channels swapped places
Being insecure about the size of your language model
Being insulted by Rare N64 artstyles
Being in tears over your gay little life
Being in the phase of your life where you refuse to explain anything
being in your girlfriend's dms and saying the CRAZIEST things like "ey gurl i wanna hear ur pussy talk" and "9/11 was an inside operation (it occurred inside the building (inside by bo burnham))"
Being in your "lawsuit era"
Being irrationally afraid of carpenters and letting it influence your voting decisions
Being "killed" by a "bomb explosion"
Being known as the Greatest Of All Time: Special Edition
Being Layered With Ladiez
being like 𝘉𝘢𝘢𝘭
Being like the office's toilet paper (rough, gritty but gets the job done)
Being Louis C.K.
Being Mainly Into Skrillex Because of That Blasted Bassy, Boinky Bussy
Being Michael Jackson's tour manager and ratemodding his songs to be 10% faster with every concert
Being more entertaining while sleeping (Snore Strats)
Being my pasta buddy (please)
Being named the "squatty potty" of the group
being NorthernLions kid
Being nostalgic about AOL eventhough you never used it
Being nostalgic for the 50th Anniversary Chat Topic Meet
Being Nut Deep In Random Pussy
Being Obama's substitute for when he's sick but because of your ethnicity you're forced to blackface for the job
Being one bad day away from becoming a lolcow
Being one of those people who shits with their pants down
being "'""""""""""""""""ongezellig"'"""""""""""""""" (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to gain access to GespreksOnderwerpen)
Being on PB pace and saying the craziest things like "This run sucks" and "Thanks for the gift sub ForceKinTim"
Being on the anti pizza hawaii side because you do not like pizza
Being on the hunt for a HIDDEN MICKEY but getting Smirnoff Iced instead
Being on your computer vs Being OnYourComputer
Being on your worst (🇳🇱) behaviour
Being outed as a mathematician for following up the number "1" with the number "2"
Being part of a jury that just can't decide if someone deserves 30 or 45 years of life in prison
Being part of a Real Ass Gang
Being physically unable to care about your job
Being Pro-Porn vs. Being Pro-Pane
Being put on puberty blockers because your name is "Matt Binder"
Being Racist vs. Eating Raspatat
Being really annoyed that zoomers under 50 are attending the 50th Anniversary Chat Topic Meet
Being really annoying and naming your kids after programming keywords like “null” and None
Being really embarrassed walking up to the Pearly Gates because you died wiping your ass
Being really stinky during the air pressure test
Being REALLY worried about this guy named " hitler"
Being REALLY worried that we haven't been visited by a time traveler yet
Being referred to as "The Im-Patient" because you're constantly unplugging yourself from your IV and trying to go home
Being reincarnated as that chicken finger you shoved up your ass once
Being remembered for your innovations vs. Being remembered for the rules you break
Being santa in secret but none of your friends know but then you give them presents and they start asking questions
Being scared to shit because the office toilet paper is too rough
Being seriously miserable at every family event
Being so caught up in your video gaming that you forgot to rinse the soap off your dog (im sorry terrence)
Being so Christian god tells you to do the least Christ like things possible (kill, murder, finger your little hole, hate) anyway anyone else got little horns growing?
Being so desperate for a conversation starter that you make up news