We've officially crossed over with a 2nd Conversation Topics in a parallel dimension. Get ready for some weird ones!
We were never suppasta be buddies... pasta la vista, my friend, for it is pasta our time!
We will never acknowledge you, especially YOU. We will no longer interact with.... you... bastards...... stinkey stinky stintky bitches... ever again... goodbye
We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting. We will never stop posting.
We would like to apologize to the fans, the last topic was based on false info
We would like to formally apologize for MonkeyMagic13. You might have seen some funny topics from him but you won't be seeing him anymore.
We would like to officially welcome our newest Topics member: Lee Harvey Oswald!
what a burger
what a crap never be fooled like me and never buy this fire extinguisher
What are the downsides of being an older gamer? Which is superior, 4k or 8k gaming? Where can i buy a used switch console for cheap and games included as well how do i set up my 3ds on wi-fi without downloading too many updates when will yoshi come out why does mario have nipples
What are the goo-goo-ga-ga genres of gaming?
what are you gonna do, cry?
What bullshit is the farmer up to now
What can you say about Alzheimer's; everyday's a new day!
What could possibly be offensive to ray william johnson?
What could Tay Zonday have done better?
What did Ame Bibabi mean when she said "Fuck Em All, Fuck Em By"?
What did the Gardener say to the Client? Death surrounds us. Every day I wake up, and there it is. Loss of loved ones, loss of friends. Loss of Self. When I look in the mirror can I really be sure that's me? The eyes I'm staring into are slowly become more and more unfamiliar. How many more years before theyre no longer my own? ...Or maybe that's just the shrimp talkin!! (Authors note, Gardener is enjoying a plate of shrimp throughout this exchange)
What did the man say to his wife? You gotta be shrimpin me!
What does TF2 Heavy think about Pootin
What does the B in xbox stand for?
What does the 🅱️ stand for?
What does the line graph mean on crypto sites?
What does the R stand for
What do we think of him?
What do xQc and Micro Mike have in common? They both need to slow the fuck down!
What do you call a floating bit of mucus? Phlegmbuoyant
What do you MEAN you can't smell it?! *desperately farts harder*
What even is a "fuckfart"? Was James Rolfe out of his mind?!
What gubble does to a mf
What Happened To Henry Kissinger's Neck
what happens in the backseat of a bus
What has the PG Tips monkey seen What does the PG Tips monkey know
what if conversation topics went at 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 miles an hour
What if Garterbelt from Panty & Stocking was called Farterbelt?
what if he got a low taper fade?
what if his name was crayon shitchan follow for more anime funny moments
What if it was the boulder being punished, and not Sissyphus?
What if Jeff Dunham is actually voiced by a person off-stage?
What if Mario was gay this whole time
what if santa claus's sack was just full of piss and im NOT talking about his toy sack
What if Sinterklaas was very rude, and used swears, and made dirty jokes? xD
What if something really bad happened this inauguration
What if ventriloquism isn't real and these people have little gnomes living in their puppets?
What if we replaced phones with bibles?
what if your foreskin had a zipper??
what if your zipper had a foreskin????
What is 9 + 10?
What is a neo grand strategy game?
What is marty mcflys favorite menu item at mcdonalds
What is the difference between 😂 and 🤣?
What is the exchange rate of a blowjob?
What is the most useless super power, and why is it the ability to feel double the pain for half the price?
What is the worst Tetris game?
WHAT KIND OF HOMEBREWER ARE YOU? New School Brewer: LetterBomb Old School Brewer: BannerBomb Ancient Brewer: Twilight Hack
What kind of influence can influencers actually exert?
What kind of pokemon are you
What kind of religion doesnt give a free game console with every converted member?
What Owen are people talking about when they say "You got Owen'd!" ?
What people do at Conversation Topics! There is phone number but no one answers the phone! There is email address but no one answers the mails! There is heating system but it is not working! There is customer service but there is no service!
What people will try to convince you is the real meaning of Finger Time
What Rank You ?
Whats a normal number of hours per week to be shitting? 20?
Whats App?
WhatsApp Ricky Moshpit
Whatsapp Whistle: Who Does It Summon?
What's happening, forum?
What snake can program in Python? A boa constructor! I have been feeling increasingly more depressed and it's not getting better
What's New in Google Chrome?
whats the dog doing.. whats the dog doin... WHATS THE DOG DOING WHAT IS THAT GUY DOING AAAAAAAAAA
What's the point of using drugs anyways? I heard they help you relax but that's pretty much it. (Not talking about medicines)
What's with these homies dissing my girl?
What's Wrong with the Tron: A Psychiatric Evaluation of Everyone's Most Controversial (and Favorite) Youtuber
What's your favorite conversation topic?
What's your favorite Conversation Topic? Let us know in the replies!
Whats your ranks in world of tanks
What The F* Are Piantas Saying
What the fuck was John Romero thinking when he made Daikatana?
What to do when it's "zomby time"
what to do when that hotline bling
What to do when the killer is near
What was Sakurai thinking when he implemented Crotch Cancelling?
What was uncle gubsy trying to tell us?
what will he do at the zoo
What Would Be The Dalai Lama's Favorite Onahole
what would the Based department do
What would you do if Pentatonix showed up in front of you and started singing Imagine Dragons a cappella?
What You Feel When Hearing the Scott the Woz Theme
wha u wanna sword fight maneee cmon ill sword fight u maneee lets sword fight hetebtebttetetgiijgiivbbkikikiki
Wheelchair accessibility