Being the Bogeyman, or the boogeyman, or the bogyman, or the bogieman, or the boogie monster, or the boogieman, or the boogie woogie
Being the boogie2988 of Grindr
being the cancer of the friend group (Astrology)
Being the "chosen one" (person who can say the N-word)
Being the Dharma & Greg of the group
Being The Dumbest Person In The Server
Being the Evel Knievel of your friend group
Being the "figment of collective imagination" of the friend group
Being the grump that has to say the "n word"
Being the guy responsible for keeping Lenin embalmed, but constantly having to fight the urge to take a little bite out of him
Being the guy that cuts up onions at the queen's funeral
Being the 'Jan Leeghwater' of your group of friends
Being the kind of programmer who writes many lines of code vs Being the kind of programmer who snorts many lines of coke
Being the only one in the group who laughs
Being the only one under 3 inches at the 51th Chat Topic Anniversary Meet
Being the only person on Earth to make Tetris sexist
Being the owner of a certain topic account, and knowing deep down that your friends will deny their involvement
Being the "pikachu libre" of the friend group
Being the Pilotwings 64 of the party (No intro, starting instantly and really hard)
Being there on monday afternoon
Being the Salvatore 'Big Pussy' Bonpensiero of your friend group
Being the "self flagellation guy" of the friend group
Being the "Silent Hill" of the friend group
Being the smartest tool in the shed
Being the "Travis Scott" of the group (dying on September 14th, 2039)
Being the waiter of your friend group and growing tired of all these complaints about flies
Being the world's biggest incel AND Rayman 2 fan, so you refer to women as Uglettes
Being the worst train passenger ever by eating very smelly food and loudly blowing your nose
Being to Autism Speaks what the IRA is to the queen
Being told to stop ostracizing your coworkers but not knowing what the word means and interpreting it as "ostriching", the act of forcefully dunking other people's head in sand
Being Tomba and saying the CRAZIEST things like "My name is Tomba the Mighty" and "I have fast pants"
being "too bony" and "green and mean"
being traumatized by dinkle time as an infant and never fully recovering
Being unable to return home after your trip to vegas because you bet your plane ticket on a game of three card monty
Being unable to sing any LMFAO songs because you keep laughing your fucking ass off
Being unable to understand basic communication, unless it's visualized through a wojak/pepe edit
being unclear on purpose
Being upset that your music is liquid
Being upset the Arabian Wipeout course isn't right-to-left
Being Weirdly Mean to Your Girlfriend during Women History Month (illegal behavior)
Being Well Fed vs. Being Well Bred vs. Being Well Met
Being worried that Big King XXL burger gets lonely in your tummy
Being worried that you're not particularly "lulz-worthy" enough
Being worse at jubeat than a chimp
Being wrong about how high the next step of the staircase is
bein scottish is fuckin shite man, ye ever seen Brave? 😔
Belastingdienst slogan: "Wij maken hier de dienst uit!" (For more like this and this like more and topics, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ‼️ )
Believing in #freewill but Still tuning in to the topics every day and Laffin DAT A$$ right off 😹
Believing that a gimmick account would bring you on board for the price of 1 shitty topic you wrote in your underwear on a warm Thursday afternoon in May
Believing the Lie
Believing the universe was created by the Bing Bang
Bending Machine
Bending the rules like beckham
Ben drowned? Skill issue. Learn 2 swim kid
Ben ik te min? Ben ik te min omdat je pa een grotere piemel heeft, dan de mijne? (For this and more topics like this, You really do not want more of this)
Berating your friend for changing their nickname to something that sounds like total shit
Berning away the Harris fursuit to reveal a really, really old man
Best mobile game
best monster flavor
Best Non-Binary Pastimes: 5 victims left. Don't suck out all their blood, we're not killers here
Best of 2020 #WasteOfH(eroin) Moments
Best Pipe Meme Ever :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine.com
Best Super Mario 64 Mission!
Best ways to start a fight with your uber eats driver
Beta features vs alpha features vs sigma features
Better Call Ball vs. Better Ball Saul
Better "prei" to whatever god you believe in, leekboy.
Betty White's Hidden Gold
Between Wikipedia And Breitbart News, Which Source Should I Trust?
BEWARE THE "booting up newly installed game -> instantanously going fully and irreversibly deaf" PIPELINE
bf: (to gf) i will have sex with you. gf: what the fuck
biden is not polling well sorry guys but bernie has won this time enjoy super communism 🇺🇸
biden karaoke
biden should commit to one final biden blast and take his bitch ass out (DEMENTIA STYLE)
Biden Simulation Terminated. Thank you for your cooperation.
big bellie
Big Boobs
Big cook little cock
Big Diesel Damien succumbs to Lung Cancer at 76
Bigfoot final sighting
Biggest Pussy Award
biggest pussy in minecraft
big mac
Big Man Erasure
big mouth
big mouth
big shoe!!!