Accidentally FaceTiming your boss while naked and they can see your fat balls in the caller preview
accidentally playing the opoona ost near your child and turning him into a lil round guy
Actively using the internet to lower the average IQ on it
Aggressively FaceTiming your boss while naked to dominate them with your fat balls
Becoming REALLY fast at typing "it takes two to tango"
Being close friends with the 1Guy1Jar Man
Being comfy with your own bladder (I will never piss. I do not have to piss. Pee is all in the mind/pee is stored in the balls
Being Ian (Hier is Ian)
Being in public and not realizing the #tractors and #nsfw channels swapped places
Being known as the Greatest Of All Time: Special Edition
Being the Dharma & Greg of the group
Being the "Silent Hill" of the friend group
Being Tomba and saying the CRAZIEST things like "My name is Tomba the Mighty" and "I have fast pants"
Being upset the Arabian Wipeout course isn't right-to-left
Being Well Fed vs. Being Well Bred vs. Being Well Met
Being worried that Big King XXL burger gets lonely in your tummy
Berning away the Harris fursuit to reveal a really, really old man
Breeding on whatsapp
Burpin' & Fartin'
camping out the gorilla that broke into your house
Chasing someone like AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE
Coincidentally saying you like mysteries the day before Hannah goes missing
Destroying some objects in your database and feeling really good about it
Doing the entire programming school on a Nokia 8210
Drinking that BENDY! water: "Oh is this Evian? Dasani? oh its bendy water 🫨🫨🫨💱 start that music baby" slap my k,nee
Earning yourself the nickname Skippy after 'that fateful FaceTime call'
Eating an edible on every 4th note
Eating Lunchly for dinner and dying instantly (because it’s full of mold)
Failing the “Try Not to Laugh” challenge at a very critical juncture in your life, sending you down an irreparable, irreversible and inescapable downward spiral. But who will have the last laugh?
Farting Super Loud
Farting with a guy walking behind you kind of like Mario Kart Banana
Getting a crazy unbreakable gambling addiction in response to being told to get a hobby
Getting a standing desk forgetting you lost your leg recently
Getting Brailed vs. Getting Grailed
Getting divorced
Getting killed because a funny lil guy distracted you
Gettin' Ya Dick Wet & Keepin' Ya Dick Wet (Double Album)
Going Wide when you're boy TRO that ball
Having a guy called "Sergio" as your comfort character
Having a pussy like Terrydactyland (too convoluted, too long, Gregg Mayles had to apologize for it)
Having a pussy like the Water Temple (too convoluted, too long, Miyamoto had to apologize for it)
having a woke stroke
>implying you're not being chased
Listening exclusively to "me and the boys" type beat music
Making a "Breaking as many World Records as Possible" video and breaking 0 World Records
Making It SQUART In The Booth. Wiggling That Thang while you're at it
Manually twice-removing your cousins
Marrying a Dude and Saying You're Just Trolling
Mentioning in your bio that you orgasm like a bee (cumming so hard your cock literally explodes, leaving you to die in a bush)
Mistaking your angle grinder for an ankle grinder and doing something rather permanent
Multiplying Monomials
Nicknaming your Coworker "wooden horse"
nicknaming your penis "wooden horse"
Not understanding the ballot and coloring in every option for 100% completion
peeing out my pusy out of protest
playing pokemon ranger with your pussy
Playing with balls, how long is too long?
Plucking hairs out of your nutsack like Olimar
Posting gorilla boy, not knowing what will happen next
Predicting the amount of hahas you will do and responding to a joke by saying "five"
Purposefully FaceTiming your boss while naked hoping your fat balls will get you that fat raise
Putting that stinky asshole to work in that voting booth ripping some serious damage in there and expecting no repercussions for your actions
Putting your heart and soul into each and every butt wipe but quiet quitting fatherhood
Rawdogging a surgery (no narcosis, no anesthesia, no TikTok)
Realizing that Breaking Bad is about walter being a cool guy and Skyler is just Dumb
Realizing that Topic Coin is DROPPING!!! 😱 📉 😱 😱 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Realizing your skin becomes 1% darker every day but it has a direct correlation to your gaming skills becoming 1% better everyday somehow?
Recreating the game "Meme Run" from memory
Referring To Your Asshole As "The Rabbit Hole"
Riding a rollercoaster while the park's official POV for the ride is being recorded and saying the CRAZIEST things like "AAAAAAAAAAHHH" and "I FUCKING SHAT MYSELF WITH A BIG BROWNER"
Saying "bro its always justified" to calm your "killer" boyfriend
Smiling in the face of oppression
Spending 5 hours in Terrydactyland without collecting a single Jiggy
Starting a restaurant named Tea Guys with a logo in the same font as Five Guys and not realizing what a hideous crime against humanity you have sinned
Sticking your dick in a bag of flamin hots
sticking your dick in a Cheerio
Suckin on balls for ya friendz
Taking an EPIC shit
Telling the waiter "Excuse me waiter, there's a fly in my soup" but the waiter is Donald Trump pretending to be a waiter for a day and he deports you for insolence
"Thugging it out" by not getting a tetanus shot
Thuggin & Mallin
Thuggin & Maulin
Touching Grass vs. Watching Degrassi
translating braille into sign language: top 5 do's and don'ts
Trauma dumping in an Animal Crossing OST comment section
Using AI to generate doctor prescriptions to get pills that make your prostate really big
Wondering why the topics uploaded to YouJizz.com perform so badly