deadmau5 Adds Closed Hi-hat to Previously Made Loop, Finishes 16 New Bars of Music
Deadnaming people to flex your memory
De Akker of De Akker?
Dealing Butt Crack: How Do You Do It?
Dealing with the realization that you have wipers in the family
dear mark zuckerberg gimmie goggles that glue to my head forever and only show me elons exact position i will be ur sword... i will jujitsu this bitch into the fucking ground so hard you dont even know man. Thanks.
death battle oprah vs drake bell
Death by Ball Contortion
Deathcore band lead singer orders chickie nuggies for his wittle bandmates~ :3
death grips real or fake
Death Time
Decaf vs Kneecap
Deciding between being gay or being Polish
Deciding on a pet based on what kind of shits they take
Declaring a “code white” before cumming
Dedoimedo please review openSUSE again!
De "Drie Bergen": Borsten, Billen, Balzak (For any more of topics like this fucking topic , I can't fucking take it anymore )
Deep Fred
Deepthroating the troll face for comedic effect
Defeating your evil game reviewer counterpart
Defeating your racist clone
Defending yourself in court by saying you did it "FOR GREAT JUSTICE"
DeFi Media vs Wifey media (We are watching all the Women shows. As the world turns. Madame web. Resident evil code veronica
Defining a public class vs. Defining a pubic class
Defrosting your chicken breasts in the window sill
Defy Media vs DeFi Media (There are no differences)
degrassi with the boyss
degreasin' pizzas with the boyss
De Grote Donorshow 2
De kat krabt de krullen van de trap. (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to gain access to GespreksOnderwerpen)
Deleted YouTuber Cameos - Scott The Woz
Deleting random conversation topics
Deliberately not flushing a massive log so the person after you can marvel at your magnum opus
Delivery guy offers you his "package" - what do you do?
Delving (Frank-)further into your darkest thoughts
Demanding more topics from the ChatTopics account despite having no authority over its owner
demiboy vs semiboy
🐎 democraps
Demon Core Time With Biden
demowoman finaly release
demowoman gives birth to a beautiful baby demochild
Dental plan! Lisa needs braces Dental plan! Lisa needs braces Dental plan! Lisa needs braces
Denying "Loud=Funny" by shaking your head vehemently at every high dB moment
Denying the Hololive happened
deploying white woman tears to dodge the racism allegations
Describing your desktop wallpaper of a koala as looking "like a plate of oatmeal"
Describing your penis as "No Surprise, All Disappointment
Describing your turds as 'rustic'
Describing your yaoi wallpaper as looking "like a plate of oatmeal"
Deserved Car Accidents
Designating someone in your neighborhood the "Emoji Man" and stalking them
Desperate Housewives Try Crack Cocaine
Desperately explaining why cookie permissions and implementing AI in everything are the coolest things ever
Destroying some objects in your database and feeling really good about it
Detroid: Become Cumin
Detroit become horsie
Detroit: Become Humid
Developing extreme paranoia because your childhood password is "hunter2"
DevOps build edging challenge
De Voros Twins bestellen hun boodschappen met Da Flinky?! (Upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to ..... fuck it. dont do it. i really dont care anymore. Patrick Jumpen
De webAPI course zegt gebruik postman (engelse uitspraak) maar ik heb liever een proost, man (nederlandse uitspraak) (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to gain access to GespreksOnderwerpen)
Deze facking coole eend
De Zwarte Pietendiscussie (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to sit this one out)
Dharma & Greg drinking game: take a shot everytime Greg says "I Greg to differ, Dharma."
Diagnosis: PhimoSUS ඞ
Dialogues that make you go: "Oye hoye..."
Diarree of a wimpy kid
Diarrhea Enabling
Diarrhea Prevention
Dick Cheney's "Little Accident"
Dick clickers
Dick stuck in your zipper: Call Mom or Dad?
Dicky dunking season vs Mickey Munking season
Did Afroman's door ever get repaired?
Did Ajit Pai Do The Right Thing?
Diddy Kong Got a Lot To Answer For!!!!!
Diddy Kong Racing GameFAQs Codes: JOINTVENTURE
Did Heetla REALLY Miss One Testicle? | Buzzfeed Goes Germany
Did Shark Week Ever End?
Did simply flex his mangina on stage?
Did Terry Davis Do The Right Thing
Did The Iraqi Defense Minister Do The Right Thing
did u guys see that
Did you hatch like the rest of us or are you a "hole birthed mf"
did you have a year?
Did You Hear The News? I'm Into Dudes
did you know; Guy Opening Asshole To Show Everyone? I sure did 🥹
Did You Know? People who wiggle and tap their feet are guaranteed the first to get out in house fires and plane crashes