William Riker runs away.gif
william shatner? i hardly know ner
Will I be OK?
Will Nintendo ever make Micro-Zelda?
Will Nintendo Ever Release The Vitality Sensor?
Will one guy in NormalBoots just step up and finally be normal?
Will Smith Getting In "One Little Fight"
will the metaverse have mode 7
Will Trump and Yuji Naka become cellmates? And will this blossoming friendship lead to Balan 2?
will will ferrell ferrell?
will Will Smith smith?
Will you jump 1 block for the mcdonalds topic, or 1 block vertical jump for the soup and fly topic
Will You Let The Homies Hit It?
Wincing in disgust when you hear that tonight's special is Cream of Joe Rogan
Windjammers vs. Windrammers
Winnie the Pooh: Rated E?
Winning an argument by constantly saying "hmm, baby babble..." when your opponent talks
Winning a Smash Major while suffering late stage dementia
Winning Britains Got Talent despite your talent being that you are an obscenely hairy man
Winning during "Indian Time"
Winning the annual pub quiz because you know so much about woodchucks
Winston receives a well-deserved Buff
Wipe, NOW!
Wishing deadmau5 was the one who died rather than the mouse
Wishing people a happy birthday on their birthday (unsolicited)
Wishing you could experience Super Metroid again for the first time and immediately being afflicted with Alzheimer's
Wishing your homies A Very Good Night (AVGN)
With all due respect, bazinga.
Witnessing a crime and then being invited to brunch by the police detective investigating it
Witty response to "How are you so good at this game?" #37: I do it for my children.
Woman RUINS the Tour de France! (UPPER) (EX 50)
Woman Who Ruined The Giro d'Italia!
woman who ruined the tour the france!
Wondering if it's worth all this bullshit just to join the "Bareback Boys"
Wondering what those noises were from
Wondering when the first 49 Chat Topic Anniversaries were
Wondering why all the kids in your school are always talking about watching this other person they probably don’t even know. Who the hell is Nicky Lodeon anyway?
Wondering why condolences is trending only to find out you're technically not alive
Wondering why everyone is staring at you after pissing all over yourself at little league practice (you are 24 years old)
Wondering why everything at the fish store is dead
Wondering why the #hardest-farts channel has been so silent lately
Wondering why the topics uploaded to YouJizz.com perform so badly
Wondering why you became a dad
Wondering why your snare sounds like a cowbell but not doing anything about it
wooden horse
Wordle Hard Mode Elitism
Words that aren't slurs, but probably should be
Working as a manager for a vtuber agency and gaining the nickname "lil ugly mane"
Working at Capcom as a game director while going "aaa too scary!! ;A;" whenever you see a horror game and cancelling them immediately
Working at shell leaking HELLA documents
Working extremely hard for €1,16
Working for GAPE Entertainment
Working for the Ministry of Defense and wondering why the Queen's "Funeral Detected" notification keeps going off
Working in corporate purely because you're an "Office Ambience Enjoyer"
Working private discord emotes into your speech pattern
Working Retail on License To Kill Difficulty (work full-time without getting abhorrent songs stuck in your head)
World's Biggest "Pink Gold Peach" Fan
World's funniest ass doctor still gets laughs by going "say aah" before an exam
World’s Funniest Dad Repeats “Forklift Operator” Joke Every Time He Lifts Fork To Eat Small Bite Of Food
Worlds most impossible gh3 song!!
World War 6: Eco-Fashies (people who are hard-ons) Vs. Eco-Flaccies (people who can't get hard-ons (due to the economy))
World War III: Not Yet One of the Wars
World War II: One of the Most Famous Wars
World war I: One of the least famous Wars
World War IV: The first V war
Worse call Saul
Worshipping death but still being really afraid of dying
Worst Guitarist in the world
Wouldn't it feel good to drive a bus? People need to get picked up
Would you collect Mario's lil brown star?
Would you consider Min Min from Smash Ultimate a wasted slut?
Would you free him for 10 Billion Dollars
Would you fuck a goat? Y/N
would you go shitting with me?
Would you let jerma985 take a look into your vagina?
WOULD YOU RATHER: food or feud
would you rather fuck bigfoot or suck on his toe
Would you rather have an "epiphany" or an "epic funny"
Would you rather prolapse or relapse
Would you rather type a report or skype a malort
Would you still like my topics if I were a worm?
Would you still love me if i were a computer worm?
would you touch poo for $100.png
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
Wow, that furry sure loves to eat chocolate!
Wow. This album is flawless. I mean, utter perfection. I'm usually into more heavy stuff like Nickelback, Green Day, AC/DC, and Leather Beavis, but thought I'd give this a go. Does not disappoint at all from the opening riff to the last cr
Wow This Is Most Epic Topic to Date. Speechless