Proceeding with the murder and then going "npc mode" for a while
procrastinating on a 1 word essay
Producing exactly what humans make the best (skin)
Professional speedrunner banned for "speedrunning" a kid
Programming Exclusively in "Boobie on Rails"
Programming Pong in Game Maker and becoming a pussy magnet overnight
Prolapsing your Subway all over the pavement
Pro-Life vs. Half-Life
pronouncing asdfmovie as "Ass-Duff Movie"
pronouncing asdfmovie as "Ay Ess Dee Eff Moo Vee"
pronouncing ass like this
Pronouncing Buizel in a Funny Germanic Way
Pronouncing caveat incorrectly
Pronouncing it as "Lamb-boar-geenie"
Pronouncing it "hwhite"
Pronouncing Lloyd as "le-loid"
pronouncing penis like fenis (real ones know shoutout to the real ones)
Pronouncing two strangers as "CHUCK & LARRY".
Pronouns for danger seekers
Proposing to your girlfriend in the library and getting shushed by a handful of people trying to study
Propping your president back up in his chair
pro sex
Pros of my friend: - Cons of my friend: - he taps my head - he taps my head - he taps my head - he taps my head
Protip: My Cheney is Hard & Ready 2 Go
Pro tip to beat paper mario: - Dig a tunnel about 3ft tall and 3ft wide, remember to make trap spike pits and dead ends with gun holes to kill those unfamiliar with your ways
Proving something vs. Improving something
Prullenbak Posting
Psychologists vs PSY
PTSD cases associated with picking Krunch in Diddy Kong Racing during childhood
Public Enema #1
Pulling a "Columbine" by "Going to School"
Pulling a "Undertaker" at a Funeral
Pulling a "Wile E Coyote" and Blowing Yourself the Fuck Off the Earth to Catch a Bird
Pulling a "Wile E Coyote" and Driving your Expensive Truck into a Wall with a Painted On Tunnel on It
Pulling out all the topics from your pants they're Really stinky
Pulling out my “Steamboat Willie” in Disneyland Paris and getting arrested by an undercover cop in Mickey Mouse costume
Pulling the "smoking gun" out of my prehistoric pussy (the case has been going on for 67 years)
Pulling up Teletext when you have a girl over
Pullin' it back for the viewers at home
Pull On My Mickey: A Good or Bad Idea?
Punching a hole in your friend's wall and then saying it was there already
punching people who eat salami in public
Punji pit tonight queen?
Purchasing 25 barrels of crude oil (minimum required volume)
Purchasing a 6-figure house with 6 GI Joe action figures
Purchasing a Ringtones app and only downloading the "Canon in D Major" ringtone
Puritans seething: Three-Finger Dan is being epic with fireworks again! What will this crazy guy do this year?
Purple links to dementia pages
Purposefully FaceTiming your boss while naked hoping your fat balls will get you that fat raise
Purposely cutting a slit in the back of your pants so people can coin-op you
Pushing everything back as far as possible
Pushing Gaywards Your Wife
Pushing happy birthday modals for your coworker to all production environments
Pushing "Pee"
Pushing the “STOP” button on the bus and immediately being subjected to the first note of Undertale’s “Metal Crusher” at +50dB
Pushing your ass cheeks to the side because you're blocking the path and you need to make way
Pussy Delirious
pussy fart scene
pussy fracking
pussy got me bankrupting!!!!
pussy got me beeping and honking
Pussy In Da Pursey
Pussyin' Out
Pussy Number 3
Pussy phartin
Pussy Sustainable
Putrid smells and their Geolocations
Putting 0 effort into a tweet and being invited to the white house due to its success (I turned down the offer, Giant Abe Lincoln scares me)
putting 1 Lego brick in every m² of your house
putting a "bagel" in the "oven"
Putting a Bullet in Someone's Hand as a Threat
Putting a chat AI in a robot suit with electronic nerve endings so you can beat the shit out of them
Putting ASCII middle finger in every rent transaction
Putting boogers on your friends table in front of him
Putting buckets on your head at random intervals during a conversation and calling it "Bucket Mode™"
Putting cajun seasoning on your balls
putting every last coin in that pusdy
Putting Every Ronald Reagan Fan Through The "Are you ready to take a bullet for the president of the United States" Challenge
Putting lil ugly mane's entire discography into your wedding playlist
Putting little apple pie slices out for the construction workers
putting my hand inside of Glover; fisting or na?
Putting "my name is jeff" in places they shouldn't be
Putting on a mask in a public restroom due to stench
Putting one more cookie in your foreskin
Putting on no seatbelt so that you do something epic when something goes wrong
Putting on your murrsuit for the funeral thinking anything colored black would work
"Putting out" vs "Putt'ing out"
Putting someone in a meatgrinder