Watching all episodes of "Gabba Gabba Gabba Raise a Football" (show does not exist)
Watching an ad to get to watch an ad
Watching an episode of your favorite Let's Player before going "massacre mode"
Watching a pizza delivery man's bodycam and realizing he's on his way to kill you
Watching ASMR on 5x speed
watching batman and going "wait why is there one guy that's just a clown 😂 😂 😂 "
Watching dash cam videos 😁 Watching Rainbow Dash cam videos 😰
Watching hit series "Squid Game" and shouting "SQUID GAMES!" at random intervals
Watching jerk off videos to remember how its done
Watching liveleak compilations but looking away anytime something bad happens
Watching Nugget in a Biscuit to Instantly Shit Yourself
Watching “Ricky 1” on your 4K OLED TV
Watching some videos
Watching that one movie you bought on iTunes 50 times to get your money's worth
Watching The Dutch Dub of AVGN (dub doesn't exist)
Watching the seminal Breaking Bad fanwork "Fuck Love Mista White" but shaking your head when Walter says "She's a racemixing whore." so that the people around you know you don't agree with Walter's convictions
WAtching the spogebob movie and "spronking" off a phallus
Watching the time left on your download jump from anywhere between 13 and 280 minutes and concluding this website has that distinctive “LJN” style and an interesting timer
Watching 'Top 10 Hardest Boss Fights' videos from 12 years ago. LOL they didn't have Elden Ring back then
Watching TV shows in reverse order to avoid spoilers
Watching your friend FAIL at picking up a horse (RIP Larry 1995-2024)
Watchmojo's top 10 atrocities the watchmojo face has witnessed during his life as a frontman for the worst youtube channel in the history of our green planet
⚠️ Watch Out! WhatsApp
Watch the Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight for something real special: Colbert does a Trump impression!
Water Bears: I cant bear the pain any longer
watergate 64
Watermark vs Milkmark
WAT HEB IK NOU VERDOMME GEZEGD, STOEPHOER?! (dont upgrade to ChatTopics Gold you really dont want more of this trite garbage. you DONT WANT GespreksOnderwerpen)
wattenstaafje 0.99 bij kruidvat mis deze deal niet zeer goepkoop ----> kruidvat.nl < --------
Wavin' Ya Flaps (Anti-Female-Circumcision League)
WayForward Games deciding to go Way Backwards by releasing Neo-Shantae, an extremely far right garbage fire mess
Ways to bite people without waking them up
Ways to get banned at PAX
Ways to Get Past B. Locker
Ways to Get Past My Ex Girlfriend (She Blocked the Entrance to my House with her Tractor)
Way Too Oily, Way Too Quick (CNN Exclusive)
We are not affiliated with Evil Chat Topics and will never be.
We are not paying sweat shop workers for our topics. We put our soul into every topic, and every conversation, every chat, every word, every letter, e
We are pleased to announce MonkeyMagic13 has been lynched.
Wearing a Fedora ™️ with Safari Flaps ™️ and keeping A Pair of Dice ™️ in your pocket.
Wearing A Hat That Says "Feed Me" And Going To An All You Can Eat Buffet !!!1!!11!~!!~!|/|>0//||5<]]]{{{{{[+]((()))}}}[[[[[[//\\||||1234567890987654321qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM**^^%%((((())))))))***{{{{{{}}}}}}}$$$$$$$$$$$11111111111122222222223333
Wearing a shirt with a hole in it and pretending you got shot
Wearing a Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) costume, dunking your nuts in the punch bowl and saying "oops now youll all be tasting my tinky winky"
Wearing a top with a boob window but using that as the neckline instead
Wearing Formula 1 fan merch and cheering for random cars on the highway
Wearing noise cancelling headphones to tune out the sound of your landlord asking for the rent
wearing rings on every finger except the ring finger
Wearing The Elden Ring Around Your Cock
Wearing your dedicated Suicide costume to work today for no reason
Wearin' Ya Franklin Badge in a War
Wearin' Ya Franklin Badge on your Wart
we become a lil deranged 0w0
"We blame Fred Durst for everything." Pootin says after a 20 year game of "hitting" the "griddy" with Ukraine [BGM: Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff]
Web video autoplay jumpscare
We continue our chat with Jim, one of the developers of Zelda's Adventure: "Oh boy! I [can't] wait to Bomb some Dodongo's! I wonder what's for dinner [in the Los Angeles area]. How about a kiss? For luck? [You've] gotta be kidding me!"
WE CRASHED AT 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 MILES AN HOUR
We earned nothing last year...
weeeee!!! scroll faster you shit. WEEEEE!!!!
wee sloshy boys up in here
We found out reedusTungis has been posting topics on his own Bluesky for bonus points instead of posting them here. Follow him at your own risk, we are removing him from the team. Reedus, watch your back
We Found The Original Levi's Jeans and They are Pre-Shat
We gonna have a Hickory Ham Holiday seth green style
We gotta make medical heroin
We have caught the Mic Squelcher.
We haven't had a game with Crank Kong in a while
We haven't heard from Littl Klepto in a while...
We have recently come to learn MonkeyMagic13 now submits topics for Evil Chat Topics. Needless to say, we are not surprised. To MonkeyMagic13: Go Fuck Yourself, You Soggy Shitloaf
We have taken care of the army recruiter in the topic making crew. Stay tuned for his execution!
WEIRD 2 Fast 2 Furious sequel | 2 pussy 2 kill myself
Welcome to Australia: Good or not?
Welcome to a whole new world! Don't forget your fish oil pill, you're gonna need it!
Welcome to disneyland paris! I'm gonna disneyland pre!
Welcome to our new bit: Humans be like... Humans be like... i gotta boil some water!
welcome to the 7th annual chat topics squid games
Welcome to the chat room!
Welcome to the forum
Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games. We got everything you want, we got fun and games.
welcome to the machine code hour
Wel de Ellie Lusten willen, maar niet de Ellie Lasten
Well hello there T-Mates! I'm Tris, which means it must be T-Time!
Well, lets start en do the conversation.
"Well, that's news to me!" and 78 other wacky phrases to bust out at when they're reading your charges at your court appearance for vehicular manslaughter of a South Dakota family and their Friend Janie
Well Then Reach Heaven Through Violence.png
Wendy's: Think Tank Disguised As Fast Food Joint
We need more periscopes
We only wear seatbelts for the feeling of safety, they don't actually do anything
We realize these Carl² topics are consistently unfunny, but some make-a-wish kid keeps writing them
We're bringing in the 51th Chat Topic Anniversary punch! . . . DRINK UP GRINCHES