Working for the Ministry of Defense and wondering why the Queen's "Funeral Detected" notification keeps going off
Working in corporate purely because you're an "Office Ambience Enjoyer"
Working private discord emotes into your speech pattern
Working Retail on License To Kill Difficulty (work full-time without getting abhorrent songs stuck in your head)
World's Biggest "Pink Gold Peach" Fan
World's funniest ass doctor still gets laughs by going "say aah" before an exam
World’s Funniest Dad Repeats “Forklift Operator” Joke Every Time He Lifts Fork To Eat Small Bite Of Food
Worlds most impossible gh3 song!!
World War 6: Eco-Fashies (people who are hard-ons) Vs. Eco-Flaccies (people who can't get hard-ons (due to the economy))
World War III: Not Yet One of the Wars
World War II: One of the Most Famous Wars
World war I: One of the least famous Wars
World War IV: The first V war
Worse call Saul
Worshipping death but still being really afraid of dying
Worst Guitarist in the world
Wouldn't it feel good to drive a bus? People need to get picked up
Would you collect Mario's lil brown star?
Would you consider Min Min from Smash Ultimate a wasted slut?
Would you free him for 10 Billion Dollars
Would you fuck a goat? Y/N
would you go shitting with me?
Would you let jerma985 take a look into your vagina?
WOULD YOU RATHER: food or feud
would you rather fuck bigfoot or suck on his toe
Would you rather have an "epiphany" or an "epic funny"
Would you rather prolapse or relapse
Would you rather type a report or skype a malort
Would you still like my topics if I were a worm?
Would you still love me if i were a computer worm?
would you touch poo for $100.png
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
Wow, that furry sure loves to eat chocolate!
Wow. This album is flawless. I mean, utter perfection. I'm usually into more heavy stuff like Nickelback, Green Day, AC/DC, and Leather Beavis, but thought I'd give this a go. Does not disappoint at all from the opening riff to the last cr
Wow This Is Most Epic Topic to Date. Speechless
Wrapping your lips around the soda dispenser at Five Guys Burgers n Fries and taking a Big Gulp of Coca Cola Vanilla Zero Sugar
Write “onomatopoe” Im tryna see sumn
Writing a comprehensive walkthrough for Def Jam only for Snoop Dogg to cave your head in with a bat
Writing a "cookbook" but it's just a tutorial on how to diss people on Twitter
Writing a romance novel about someone who needs to take suppositories and someone who loves giving them
Writing 'Hello World' and claiming that robots are going to take over the world someday
Writing 'lol' in the gamechat every time you make a kill
Writing long rants about work to hide the fact that your stupid ass is still in high school
Writing really awful things in the funeral guestbook and signing as "Jontron"
Writing really long reviews on things that are extremely mid
Writing your indie novel (Game of Thrones) in something stupid like vi
Writing your own material: A sign of integrity or a giant waste of time?
Writing your suicide note in Lord of the Rings font to make it epic
WTF (Welcome To Friday)
WTF?! Who put a bottle of shit in the work refrigerator?!
WTF?! Who put blue waffles in the work refrigerator?!?!
wwhat's up everybody i'm in Cr1TiKaL condition
WWJD? Epically
Xbox Kinect Sex Tape
x, you see?
"Yabba dabba doo!" Does anyone know what this is from? lol
ya bed still sticky from da prolapse
Yakko Warner just blew my F*CKING MIND!!!
Yankee Fred Flintstone: “Yabba gabagool!”
Yankin daddy
Yeah I farted. What of it?
yeah, i have two assholes, so what? Im a human, I have rights, quit starin'
"Yeah it's really sad what's happening over there." - Alzheimer's patient on Enron
Yeah, my blood type is B+, Based + Shrimp-pilled
Yeah sure shadowban me for my topics- you know i have nothing to lose right?? And that i know where you fucking live??!?
Yeah, this is where the installation happens baby
yea im a rude dude i say please and thank you 🥺 😎
YEEESH! Some topics aren't easy to talk about
Yelling "3, 2 ,1, Action" while driving right through the glassdoors of your local Action
Yelling at the bike rack
Yelling 'Eureka' when doing basic things, like opening doors and turning the tv on
Yelling "living" at random points of the day to remind yourself that this is not the afterlife
Yelling “Squadala! We’re off!” every time your plane takes off
Yelling "STICKYYYYY BALLS" whenever someone leaves their seat
Yelling Yes We Can In Walmart When Asked If You Want Paper or Plastic
*yells into your pussy*
Ye oké But What if je girl had hit 'em OST
Yep... Sitting down......
Yes, I have a stutter!! (stolen valor)
Yes thats right i am REALLY tom from tom and jerry do not ask how i got access to the computer lets just say i ate the face off my owners corpse #justcatthings #meowamirightmotherfucker
yes yes yes mmm gfuel so good yes yes yes gang gang grab grab mmm expressvpn so good yes yes yes
Yet the Smurfs are immortal, so they are still alive to this day.
yfw your scripted ambush happens
yoda but its spelled y-o-d-a instead of that OTHER way
Yoda Dunkin'
Yoda Obama Hanging Incident