Realizing you lost your boulders along with the pillar
Realizing you never got to hurt that guy
Realizing you're not annoying enough and inventing Web 3.0
Realizing you're not going to get laid until you go bald
Realizing you're not the only Gluppy there's another Gluppy in this maze
Realizing your friend is inseparable from the Emoji Man
Realizing your friend won't stop talking unless you plug that hole
Realizing your girl is built like a Windows 95 cursor
Realizing your life would be infinitely better if you started compulsively gambling
Realizing your skin becomes 1% darker every day but it has a direct correlation to your gaming skills becoming 1% better everyday somehow?
Realizing your social credit score counter is no longer updating properly but being terrified of speaking up because any dissenting opinions will make your score plummet
Realizing your son fkin sucks at being gay so send him to Gay Camp™️
Realizing Your True Potential When No One is Around to Cramp Your Style
Real Life Morph Ball Manoeuvre (I Broke All My Bones)
Really botching your Conversation Topics Award speech
Really really really good crack
Really wanting to talk about Balan Wonderworld and being so impatient in conversation that you earn yourself the nickname "Anyway, Balan" because you can't help but interject with Balan talk
Real Nintendo Kid is Disapoint. Sees Koji Igarashi's Bloodstained and says "Not Another 2D Platformer"
Real shit no squatty potty you feel me
Reanimating someone by ripping a colossal fart on their heart
Reasons to reject giving someone a little kiss
Reason Why Ronald McDonald is Hardly Seen at McDonald's Anymore.jpeg
Re-assigning your prostate from a screenshot button to a log-out-on-all-devices button
Receiving A Hum From A Bum
Receiving a lump of coal for Christmas and accusing Santa of contributing to global warming
Receiving Extremist Propaganda Through Fan-made Wiiconnect24 Messages
Receiving threatening letters in your mail (such as "A", "G" and "P")
Recent Study Shows Most Conversation Topics Are Actually Never Discussed
Reclaiming "ech"
Recognizing the Mythbusters theme background music in your gore video
Recognizing the Stonehenge of Conversation Topics
Recognizing when your ass is the best option for the given scenario
Recognizing your fault of being British and doing something about it
Recommending albums that only have 1 good song
recording a 20 minute voice note of stewie griffin impressions cause you think your friends care about your hobbies
Recording the most important moment of your life with Unregistered HyperCam 2
Recording yourself pissing with your pussy out while the Teams chat notification sound can be heard 8 times during the 30-second video
Recreating Billy Mays using AI and using him to sell your new product
Recreating Jonestown in Animal Crossing
Recreating the game "Meme Run" from memory
red blue yellor the primary colors we all know them
reddit finally makes an app for the wii.
Redefining what it means to be a woman BY working at Merriam-Webster and Correcting Some Typos Baby!!!!!!!SWAG
Re-entering your racist era after playing UFO 50's Paint Chase
Referencing a certain retired yoshi main who may have once given you some advice that may or may not have lead to the collapse of the global economy
Referencing Petscorp whenever you're in a dark room
Referencing schizophrenic people
Refering to 9/11 as "Planey Boys"
Refering to everyone else driving on the moterway as 'opponents'
Referring to a neighborhood's violent crime as an "integral part of the GrassRoots vibe ™️ "
Referring to anything that is "male" as "manny"
Referring to doomed lawsuits as "Suicide Battles"
Referring to morse code as braille
Referring to Ted Bundy as your problematic fave
Referring to the Harry Potter films as "the potty movies"
Referring to your ass as the Red Giant before succumbing to your third degree burns
Referring to your ass as "The Windy City"
Referring To Your Asshole As "The Rabbit Hole"
Referring to your balls as "Ballz 3D" during sex, after which you immediately stop having intercourse and turn on your Super Nintendo to play Ballz 3D
Referring to your girlfriend as 'The Ol' Misthorn'
Referring to yourself as "Allah" and building a church called the "Seven"
refer to my previous tweet please think hard about it
Refrigerating your paper for no particular reason
Refusing to apologize for your level of binging
Refusing to back down from placing "ABBA Gold: Greatest Shits" in your Top 100 Albums of All Time
Refusing to back down from placing "Hampsterdance: The Album" in your Top 100 Albums of All Time
Refusing to buy Palworld, because it doesn't have Rosa's shoes
Refusing to date someone for their video game character of choice
Refusing to have sex because of a lack of gamification
Refusing to say "no cap", because you think it stands for "no capitalism"
Refusing to sell Zack & Wiki to some kid because he's too dumb for the puzzles
Regarding MonkeyMagic13: https://pastebin.com/tT1peaq1
Reggy Fills a May
Regretting not considering your Balkan friend in the deal and missing him a bit (his ass was perfect)
Rejecting a pull request with the comment "Give up."
Rejecting your harsh noise listening experience and reaffirming your love for electro swing
Relating with AI in how you only give correct answers by chance and forget situational context constantly
Released brentalfloss tracks
Releasing 37 different walkthroughs for Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Releasing a game after 5 years of development to be told it "obviously needed to cook a bit longer"
Releasing a swarm of waxworms inside Madame Tussauds
Releasing controversial artists just to hear their worst tracks written in jail
Releasing some of that pent up gamer energy
Releasing That Loud, Stinky Smelling "PFFT!"
releasing the spelunky all over your keyboard
Relocating your family to finally meet Bigingle
Remembering 9/11 as the day before that one time you had to chug your 3L bottle of chocolate milk at airport security because suddenly the TSA exists now
Remembering a funny ChatTopic during sex