Remembering and laughing at videos that don't exist
Remembering Pussy Around Christmas Time
Remembering the moment you were conceived
Remembering the proper chinese sign stroke orders vs remembering the funny times your friends had strokes
Remember to check Ur firealrm to make sure it doesn't kill you
remember what Jesus said... "Take your meds".
reminder: kill your doppelganger on sight, otherwise they might do something cringe
Reminder to all topic fans to go out and vote today! Please don't let anything sway your decision. I know who I am voting for.
Reminding everyone that it's "monkey time"
Reminding everyone that it's "pigeon time"
Reminding your boys to pull that vid thru y2mate and archiving that shit
Reminding yourself you browse r/bigdickproblems whenever intimidated
removed conversation topics
Removing all the internals from your GameCube to use it as a lunch box only to discover you could have just bought a dedicated lunch box
Removing Ribz For Ya Auto Fellatio
"Removing" somebody
Removing ya teeth: Hardcore Edition
Removing your baby because he is in your asshole
Removing your baby because you think he's an asshole
Renaming the "wife-beater" to the more genderneutral "spouse-beater"
Renaming your hardened pub beverage to "The Gay Drink" just to see what happens
Renting Out Yo Cum To The Reds
Rentin Super Mario 64 On Yo iQue Player
reonion tour
Repeatedly messaging "Uw bezorger is DAAR!" to your victim as you're approaching (upgrade to ChatTopics Gold to protect yourself from GespreksOnderwerpen)
Repeatedly pressing the X and Y buttons without being sucked
repeatedly saying "PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE" hoping uberEats gives you a discount
Repeatedly screaming "Aaa! Help me" while competing in the olympics
Replacing a random panel in your 1000 page comic archive with Goatse
Replacing the "IT'S LIT" ad lib in Sicko Mode with AVGN saying "IT'S SHIT"
Replying "calm down lol" to random tweets
Replying "LMFAO" to a conversation topic in a desperate attempt to make people think you aren't running the account
Replying "me" to every question even if it directly implicates you for murder
Replying "No we cant!!! that shit is easily in the 6 figures" everytime you get asked to buy something
Replying only with "hmm bitter" to all bad news
Replying to O RLY? with YA RLY! and getting banned
Replying "Uhh no, and you never change" to every question
Replying with "I know it's you" to random twitter accounts
Replying with "LowTierGod's message" to anyone asking you to pay owed money
reply to this topic with some Huge cocks
Reporting a bomb threat mid-flight because the airplane food will cause explosive diarrhea
Reporting on someone's death every day until they actually die and then claiming you predicted it in a vision
Reporting videos on porn sites for nudity
Repost Reshare Revibe Relove Relive Respray pass this along to 20 certified bestboys to support climate change
🐘 republican'ts
Requesting an Epic Mac N Cheese Recipe as a Mii Costume on the StreetPass Plaza
Requesting a residence permit for someone that doesn't exist
Requesting ltg.png to be added to your workspace slack's custom emojis
Requesting money from everyone you know
Requesting to see Mr. Moseby at every hotel you stay at
Re-recording and submitting a previously featured Comment Question Of The Day to Equals Three and getting featured by Ray again
Rescue Tails.png
Resealing video games once youre done with them to ensure the little characters dont crawl out and hurt you in the night
Resident Evil 4 Leon Bimboification Timeline
Resident Evil: Survival Horror or Gay Porn?
Respawning and thinking Why In Hell Did I Die Bro 😔 ⚰️
*respectfully stays silent during the cutscene*
Respecting the elderly by choosing "Fuck, Marry, Kill" between them
responding to a joke with "hmm, almost."
Responding to all your neighbors' complaints about the loudness of your drum kit with an emphatically played "ba dum tss"
Responding to some bad news KiraFlax style
Responding to your friend's selfie with "lmao i've never seen this before"
Restaurants in the year 2500 be like "waiter, there is a fly in my zo'lpiux"
Rest in Peace Satoru Iwata mock funeral service.jpeg
rest in piece
Restrict blood flow to Gollum™'s throat.
Resurrecting MARIO WIIU to show him the water in Metroid Prime Remastered
Retrieving discord nitro payment receipts and following people to their home address
Returning instant noodles to the store because they take time to cook
returning to the store because you forgot to buy "creamed of meat"
Returning to your 9 year long coma after checking Conversation topics
return of the chungus
Return of the Cow Pandemic: Please Don't Stop The Moo-Sick
Retweet for 72 years of good luck
Revealing to your life-long boyfriend that you've just been trying to get with his daughter
Revealing to your life-long girlfriend that you've just been trying to get with her dad
Revealing your extensive knowledge of the 90s tv show "Friends" with less than 20 casualties
Reverting back to antisemitism after hearing Channing Tatum mumble “My name is Jeff” in 22 Jump Street
Reviewing cars based on how enjoyable it is to be stuck in them during rush hour traffic
Reviewing cars based on how well they approximate Lightning McQueen
Reviewing cars (lol can you even imagine, would be such a sad life)
Reviewing every video game by saying "This game sucks even more than TMNT: Coming Out Your Ass game!" and giving a 3/10
Reviewing restaurants you've never visited
Reviewing the national alert system, saying "its exuberant tonality harmoniously blends the dying squeals of electronic goats with the melodic rapture of diarrhea bubbling from a coyote's craphole"
Revoking your respect for your friends until they can beat your Video Game Challenge
Rewatching announcement videos from your favorite YouTubers announcing they will be at TooManyGames 2012
Rex Viper frontman "James Roofe" overdoses on heroin after a "rough night" performing at TooManyGames 2027. This topic was written by EpicMickey2014 follow me on twitter
Ribbed for her pleasure vs ribbed for his pleasure
Rich Homie Quan goes "Poor Mode"
Rick & Morty go to the Mushroom Kingdom