Going to an AWFUL queer comedy show and changing your whole mind on the thing
Going to an underpass every day and chiseling out a little tiny piece of a column holding up the highway above
Going to a place where they have one of those bring-your-own-balls ballpits
Going to BK (Burger King) and ordering a meal, enjoying the meal but later regretting your choices because it made ur stummy hort 😦
Going to BK (Burger King) under the impression it's a Banjo-Kazooie themed restaurant and saying "GUH HUH!" instead of "Yes" while the poor underpaid overworked sap takes your order and wishes you were dead
Going to Burger King to order a hit and getting fries with that shit
Going to Burger King to order the Harlem Shake
Going to every forum in existence and bumping the "Chomby and The Fungus Balls" thread (game does not exist)
Going To Funny Places
Going to furry conventions for financial advice
Going to Japan to tell them to grow up and stop writing little drawings in their phrases
Going to KFC for the "early bird special" (eggs)
going to le funeral
Going to McDonald's and ordering a McAfee. After eating it you get infected with thousands of viruses
Going to neo-nazi rallies to ask the meaning of their pride flag
Going Tony Lam mode after accidentally misgendering somebody (keep swing both sie)
Going to prison on 7 counts of pre-meditated "spaghetti" moments
Going to see Madame Web but watching Father Ted instead
Going to Target to "Flarget" (do not research)
Going to the arcade to play Fortnite
Going to the Boonta Eve Classic to "see dem pods"
Going to the "brentist" and being subjected to 15 video game theme songs with lyrics about how the main character is gay
Going to the "burger place" and ordering the "HAVE IT IN A WAY" and indirectly bankrupting the place
Going to the Delft CRINGE Festival
going to the funeral and reading the wii health and safety instructions as your eulogy (rip grandpa, that wiimote ripped right through your fragile skull you piece of shit)
Going to the Gabba Gabba Gabba Raise a Football concert (song does not exist) and raising a football that looks really different from the one that the other people are holding and being embarassed
Going to the gym and just kind of standing around
Going to the gym to do kegels
Going to the party with a game plan
Going to the Pharmacy to Pick up a BRAND NEW Medicine! (medicine does not exist)
Going to "therapy"
Going to therapy to prevent your mind from defaulting to "stepping on rodents"
Going to the Sandyfart clinic to get some Ass Medicine
Going to the store with an Extra Long beard and buying noticable amounts of shaving gear
Going to the toilet vs. Entering the "ShitBox"
Going to Turkey to meet these Ottermen you have been hearing about
Going to your "Homey" to hang out with your "Homie"
Going Unabomber Mode after being given a paper fork
Going up to a guy playing DDR in the arcade and asking “Hey you’re pretty good! Do you know Adam Lanza?”
Going Wide when you're boy TRO that ball
Going "winkie" mode in the office (getting fired)
Goin' In White and Comin' Out Brown (Bathroom Stalls)
Goin' to Las Vagas to hit the Slut Machines. BING BING BING JACKPORT slopping wet mamacitas flyin at you mach speed, duck and cover white boy
Go Navy Seals
Good bye my little ceramic friend
Good Dragon Tier List
Good Seeding vs. Good Sneeding
google android phone with the strongest vibration motor
Google Faps
google gas leak symptomm leaking gas in my house? How to know gas if gas leaking house thinking bout yogeurt maybe cause gas in house room can filled the jimmy carter rabbit incident
Google Glasshole
Google image searching "golden balls" then giggling
Google Maps Api Show You Africa for 1 Frame to Remind You Where It All Started Baby
Google searching "tubgirl" while in crowded public transport
Google Talk And Why It Failed
Google — Year in Search 2489 - proxima centauri museum opening times - ayahuasca ayahuasca bunker medley song - water where to buy - super mario 64 real or fake - sex with venusians legal?
Googling "buy" every day and buying the first product that pops up
Gooning so hard your dick flies over the neighbor's fence, so now you have to ring his doorbell and ask something like "mister, can I have my cock back?", and make small talk and such.
Gooning vs Finishing your Peas
Go on... Talk about it..
GORDON for his last trick: He puts HIMSELF in the sauce! THE FINAL INGREDIENT! "KILL YOURSELF!!" gordon says
Gordon Ramsay Stuck In Loop Of Saying “What?? Seriously?? Really?? Come on now big boy. Nooooo. Why?? What?? Seriously?? Really??”
Got a call from president elect Trump... No more waiter topics......
got back from the doctor. i have armenia or some shit
got breast milk? I mean, got breast milk? Sorry, I mean, got breast milk? I- Y-.... got breast milk?
got confirmation from nintendo that mario would infact say that if he was able to make anything other than his little italian nosies
Got Kicked Out of the Vapiano …… 😢 Didnt Even Get to Try the Pasta Arrabiata.
got milk? (I Mean Cum. I'm Talking About Cum. I'm Asking If You Got Cum)
Got my bell rung, ding! A-ling buddy Good vibrations
Got Up Too Fast Now I Be Seeing Proxima Centauri
Gotyes Greatest Hits
Grabbin' ya cack at the most appropriate times (mom's birthday party)
Grabbin' ya cack at the most inappropriate times (house on fire)
Graduating magna cum laude and thinking that means you have to cum loudly during the ceremony
Graffitiing "MOSES AND ME" on every brick wall you see
Grafting For Skin
Grandma got laminated
grandpa cockroach has died again
Grandpa Cockroach is resurrected!
Grandpa Cockroach (RIP)
Grandpa Uncle be like: I'm going to resurrect myself
granpa gaming took a turn for the worst after he begin talking about politics.. :/
Grave robbin a prick
great depression burger
Great Pussy Famine
Greetings from germany